Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Telecommunications tug of war?

When I first read about the idea of telecommunications companies getting to control the speed of certain sites and whatnot, I didn't like it. At all. I guess I can't really picture anything different though--the internet has always been a neutral party.. and I like it that way! I can see where the companies are coming from (every business anywhere is always looking for new ways to look at things, new ways to be competitive, new ways to get the leg up on the competition), but my first inclination says that, hey, if Google is doing better than Yahoo because consumers like the pages better, then why not let it continue? I like how I have the ability to choose which search engine I use, the freedom to buy the things on the websites that I want, or the ability to use my favorite networking tool all based on my preferences. It's annoying when I have to use something just because it's the only thing available. If only one search engine worked at the coffeeshop I was in, I would use it, but only because I need one. It would be annoying if I wanted to use something else, but I guess I would live with it. 

And you know... maybe this is only because this is what I'm used to. Maybe it wouldn't rock my world like I think it would. Who knows. I guess we'll just have to see what the new developments in the laws shape out to be. And who knows... I just might get involved. I guess we'll just have to see what the future brings.

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